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From Ellen's Heart


Here's the thing: We are supposed to grow and change over time. If we weren't then we would just stay babies, right?

So why are people so afraid of growth and change? It's because our brain is operating on autopilot most of the time, so it is using memory of past behaviours and habits to drive us each day. It is designed to keep us safe. To keep us comfortable.

Our comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there!

Tony Robbins says if we aren't growing, we are dying. Is that what you are working towards? It doesn't appeal to me. I prefer growth. That's why my growth game is so strong.

I am not the same person I was in my 30's, or my 20's or my teens (thank goodness). I know more now, and when you know more you need to do more. That's why I invest in myself and my own personal growth. Through reading books, listening to podcasts, investing in coaches and mentors, attending seminars, enrolling in courses. I INVEST in my growth. How about you?

It's the same with my health, I invest in that too. I prefer to do that over the cost of being sick. This is another area that people are afraid to commit to change. Results take time.

Jim Rohn says if you want to achieve more, you need to become more. Who do you need to become in order to achieve the life you want? What is it going to become that person?

What if I could show you how to compress time and become that person with greater ease than you anticipate? What if it works?

How would your life look?

How would your life feel?

What would you be prepared do to achieve that feeling?

I help women to step into their full potential and live their absolute best lives. If you are ready to take the next step, then we should chat. You can book your FREE Discovery Call to chat about how I can help you achieve your full potential.

Have you ever stopped to think about what is actually holding you back from becoming the person you so desperately want to be? From living the life you yearn for?

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe it's you?

Just let that sink in a little.

Our thoughts, our actions, our lack of action, they all determine the outcome right? So when we aren't achieving what we want to achieve it is usually a result of the actions we took (or didn't take) which is usually the result of behaviours we have adopted in response to our belief systems. Wait what?

Exactly! Your limiting beliefs could be holding you hostage in your current state. Are you ready to break free from those shackles and accomplish more?

Here are my top tips to help you:

  1. Journal about those beliefs and get them out of your head so you can face them front on. What is the story you are telling yourself? Where did that come from?

  2. Set a routine or schedule to plan the actions you need to take daily to move your forward. This will help you overcome procrastination and get you making progress.

  3. Set a goal for what you want to accomplish and by when and then take steps daily to work towards this.

  4. Surround yourself with people who are achieving the same things and on a similar journey to you. Facebook groups and coaching containers are a great place to hang out!

  5. Read books and listen to podcasts to help you overcome these limiting beliefs. I am a huge fan of "The Bog Leap" by Gay Hendricks.

Maybe you are ready to really level up and you are interested in coaching, if you can jump on and book your free Discovery Call with me today to find out how I can help you take things to the next level.

Do you ever find yourself thinking that there has to be more to life than what you are currently experiencing? I get it. I used to be that person too. I remember striving so hard, grinding daily thinking I had to have the big career, the nice things, give my children all the opportunities. It was never ending!

Have you ever wondered why we put ourselves through that? Why we are so hard on ourselves?

I have been simplifying my life and focusing on my purpose which has given me increased clarity, more satisfaction and an overwhelming sense of achievement. I am honestly LOVING my life right now. Do you want that for yourself? There is nothing wrong with that!

The more emotionally healed I become, the more self-awareness I have. With this is an increased awareness of what others are experiencing (maybe it's the empath in me?) and I see so many women going through the same struggles I have experienced in my past, and now I see it as my responsibility to help them. To shine a light on the path I took and show them the way. To hold their hand when it is hard and support them on that journey. That's me. That's my purpose.

My Absolute Abundance Coaching Program is about to launch with limited spots available, and 40% of those have already filled. That tells me that more and more women are ready to take that first step and get started on living their best life and are ready to experience abundance in all areas of their life.

I believe abundance is available for all of us, we just have to be brave enough to reach out and grab it. Don't be one of the ones that miss out due to fear, feel the fear and do it anyway!

I am offering free discovery calls for those wanting to find out more, so book yours and we can chat about how I can help you on your journey to living your best life.

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